Articles Europe ILGA-Europe LGBTQ+ News Life News Openly Trans

Trans rights gain ground despite rising European rhetoric

Europeans are moving ever closer to embracing equal rights for all despite a rise in anti-transgender rhetoric by many of their politicians, two studies found on Thursday. According to the annual ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map and Index, the countries to record the greatest gains on trans rights are those that had introduced self-identification laws for trans people. This removes the need for a lengthy medical consultation and diagnosis, and also lowers the cost of transition. Adoption of self-ID laws came after many politicians had turned trans rights into the latest battleground…

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Anti-LGBTQ discrimination anti-trans Articles BBC BBC News Human Rights ILGA-Europe LGBTQ+ News Life News Stonewall Trans

BBC accused of “transphobic reporting” and Stonewall “smear” campaign in damning human rights report

A review into LGBTQ+ human rights has highlighted the “serious damage” caused by “anti-trans rhetoric” in the UK. ILGA-Europe, an independent European organisation advocating for LGBTQ+ people, published its Annual Review into the community’s rights on 15 February. The report examined events in Europe and Central Asia from January to December 2021 by looking at “legal, political and social developments in 54 countries and 4 European institutions”. Its analysis of the UK concluded that “anti-trans rhetoric” continued to grow in the country as the year progressed. “Civil society reports that…

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