Articles Brianna Ghey Court Crime LGBTQ+ News Life Murder News Police Trans

Brianna Ghey: Two 16-year-olds found guilty of murdering teenager

Two teenagers have been found guilty of murdering 16-year-old Brianna Ghey. Content warning: This story includes topics that could make some readers feel uncomfortable and/or upset. The teen, who was transgender, was stabbed 28 times in Culcheth Linear Park, Warrington on 11 February. Girl X and boy Y, both 16, cannot be named because of their age. Each had a fascination with violence and torture, a jury at Manchester Crown Court heard. They both blamed each other for the murder and neither took responsibility for it. Deliberations lasted for four…

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Articles Court Crime Drag Drag Race UK hate crime LGBTQ+ News Life News Police RuPaul's Drag Race UK The Vivienne

Man pleads guilty to attacking Drag Race star The Vivienne in McDonald’s

A man has pleaded guilty to assaulting RuPaul’s Drag Race UK winner The Vivienne. Content warning: This story includes topics that could make some readers feel uncomfortable and/or upset. Alan Whitfield, 50, of Tom Mann Close in Everton, punched the star in the face in McDonald’s on Edge Lane, Liverpool, on 16 June before running away, according to Merseyside Police. He admitted to assault by beating at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court on 5 September, but denied the prosecution’s claims that it was fuelled by “homophobic hatred” – instead claiming that the…

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Articles Court Hong Kong LGBTQ+ News Life Marriage News Same-sex marriage

Hong Kong’s top court rules in favour of legally recognising same-sex couples

Hong Kong’s top court has ruled in favour of giving same-sex couples legal recognition, though stopped short of demanding full marriage equality. The Court of Final Appeal on Tuesday, 4 September said that the government was violating the city’s Bill of Rights by not providing an “alternative framework” for the legal recognition of same-sex partnerships. Five judges handed down the decision after years of legal battles challenging the government’s refusal to allow same-sex marriage or civil unions. Their ruling said the legal recognition of same-sex couples will “provide them with…

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America Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Court LGBTQ+ News Life News Supreme Court United States US US Supreme Court USA

US Supreme Court rules designer can discriminate against LGBTQ+ customers

The US Supreme Court dealt a major blow to LGBTQ+ rights by ruling that a Colorado wedding website designer can refuse to create work for members of the community if it conflicts with religious beliefs. The decision was reached by a six to three vote of the conservative supermajority and opens the door for businesses to refuse service to LGBTQ+ people based on their sexuality. The dissent from the three liberal justices, which was written by Sonia Sotomayor and joined by Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, described the ruling…

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Articles Court Crime LGBTQ+ News Life London News Police Ranjith Kankanamalage

Ranjith Kankanamalage: Homophobic attacker found guilty of murder

A homophobic man who has an obsession with hammer attacks has been convicted of murdering Ranjith ‘Roy’ Kankanamalage in an east London cemetery. Content warning: This story includes topics that could make some readers feel uncomfortable and/or upset. Erik Field, 37, hid in the shadows before launching himself at the victim, the Old Bailey heard. Ranjith was hit 12 times in the face and head with the hammer, resulting in what has been described as “catastrophic” injuries. The 50-year-old’s body was ultimately found in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park in the…

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America Articles Ban Conversion Therapy Conversion Therapy Court LGBTQ+ News Life News US Washington

Federal appeals court upholds Washington state’s ‘conversion therapy’ ban

Washington state’s ban on ‘conversion therapy’ for children has been unanimously upheld by a federal appeals court. The ruling, which was given on 6 September, rejected a Christian therapist’s claim that the ban undermined his free speech and unfairly targeted him because of his religion. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said the legislation protects the “physical and psychological well-being” of minors and does not violate the First Amendment. Writing on behalf of a three-judge panel, Circuit Judge Ronald Gould added: “Washington, like other states, has concluded that health…

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Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Court Court Of Appeals Europe European Union LGBT-free zone LGBTQ+ News Life News poland

Polish court orders four towns to scrap ‘LGBT-free’ zones

Four municipalities have been ordered to scrap their so-called ‘LGBT-free’ zones by a top Polish appeals court. A legal challenge from the country’s Human Rights Ombudsman resulted in a ruling that nine must come to an end, though this was then appealed by Ordo luris, a right-wing think-tank, the public prosecutor’s office and the municipalities in question. However, on 28 June, the first four of these appeals were dismissed by the Supreme Administrative Court, meaning the towns of Istebna, Klwów, Osiek and Serniki will now have to abandon their ‘LGBT-free’…

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Articles Court LGBTQ+ News Life Military News South Korea

South Korea’s Supreme Court overturns convictions of soldiers for gay sex

South Korea’s Supreme Court overturned the convictions of two soldiers who had been charged with having consensual sex while off their base. The landmark ruling, which was issued on 21 April, stated that the country’s decades-old ban on homosexual activities should not apply to gay sex outside of a military setting. The Military Criminal Act states that those engaging in “anal intercourse or other indecent acts” should face up to two years in prison, which has previously been used to punish military personnel engaging in consensual gay sex. The two…

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anti-gay Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Court Crime LGBTQ+ News Life News Prison UK Wales

Three people sentenced to life for homophobic murder of Dr Gary Jenkins

Two men and a teenage girl have been sentenced to life for the homophobic murder of Dr Gary Jenkins. Lee Strickland, 36, and Jason Edwards, 26, will spend a minimum of 32 years in prison, with Dionne Timms-Williams, 17, facing at least 17 years behind bars. Dr Jenkins, who leaves behind two children, was tortured and beaten by the trio in Bute Park behind Cardiff Castle in Wales in July 2021. The 54-year-old was reportedly at the park to “explore his bisexuality” and was hoping to meet “like-minded men” after…

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Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Court Crime LGBTQ+ News Life News Wales

Dr Gary Jenkins: Three found guilty of doctor’s homophobic murder

Dr Gary Jenkins was killed by a “sadistic” teenage girl and two men on 20 July 2021 in a homophobic attack. The 54-year-old, who leaves behind two children, was tortured and beaten by Dionne Timms-Williams, 17, Jason Edwards, 25, and Lee Strickland, 36, in Bute Park behind Cardiff Castle in Wales. The doctor was reportedly at the park to “explore his bisexuality” and was hoping to meet “like-minded men” after his marriage came to an end, a court heard. CCTV, which played a crucial role in the prosecution’s case, shows…

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