Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Court Court Of Appeals Europe European Union LGBT-free zone LGBTQ+ News Life News poland

Polish court orders four towns to scrap ‘LGBT-free’ zones

Four municipalities have been ordered to scrap their so-called ‘LGBT-free’ zones by a top Polish appeals court. A legal challenge from the country’s Human Rights Ombudsman resulted in a ruling that nine must come to an end, though this was then appealed by Ordo luris, a right-wing think-tank, the public prosecutor’s office and the municipalities in question. However, on 28 June, the first four of these appeals were dismissed by the Supreme Administrative Court, meaning the towns of Istebna, Klwów, Osiek and Serniki will now have to abandon their ‘LGBT-free’…

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Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Court Court Of Appeals ECHR European Court of Human Rights LGBTQ+ equality LGBTQ+ News Life News Northern Ireland UK

‘Gay cake’ discrimination case thrown out by European Court of Human Rights

Gareth Lee has lost a seven-year legal battle over a bakery in Belfast refusing to make him a cake with “support gay marriage” written on it. On 6 January, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that Lee’s claim against the bakery was inadmissible. In 2016, a Belfast county court and a court of appeal both reached the outcome that Lee had been discriminated against by the bakery because of his sexual orientation. Two years later, however, the UK Supreme Court overturned the failed appeal by Ashers bakery –…

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Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles Botswana Court Court Of Appeals Equality LGBTQ+ inclusion LGBTQ+ inclusivity LGBTQ+ News Life Marriage News same-sex Same-sex marriage Same-sex parenting

Botswana appeals court upholds ruling decriminalising gay sex

An appeal against a ruling decriminalising gay sex in Bostwana has been rejected by the country’s Court of Appeal. The 2019 ruling was upheld on 29 November, something that resulted in the LGBTQ+ community hailing Botswana as a “true democracy”. During the appeal, the state attempted to argue that public opinion on homosexuality had not changed and that the penal code made same-sex intercourse illegal. The aforementioned penal code was drawn up under British rule and states that “carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature” is forbidden,…

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America Anti-LGBTQ discrimination anti-trans Articles Court Court Of Appeals discrimination health LGBTQ+ discrimination LGBTQ+ News Life News Supreme Court Supreme Court Justice Surgery Trans U.S. Supreme Court US Supreme Court

US Supreme Court declines to hear appeal from Catholic hospital that denied trans man surgery

The US Supreme Court declined to hear a Catholic hospital’s appeal after it denied a hysterectomy to a transgender patient. Evan Minton, a trans man, had a hysterectomy scheduled at Mercy San Juan Medical Center in California in 2016. According to the lawsuit, the hospital cancelled the procedure after finding out why the patient wanted it and permitted the physician to perform it at a different facility a few days later. Minton accused the hospital of discrimination in state court, suing it for violating California’s civil rights law that protects…

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