Articles LGBTQ+ News Life MET Police Metropolitan Police News Police Pride Pride in London Stephen Port

Met Police restores LGBTQ+ liaison officers to ‘rebuild trust’ with community

The Met Police has announced the return of full time LGBTQ+ liaison officers in London as part of its “commitment to rebuilding the trust” with the community. Content warning: This story includes topics that could make some readers feel uncomfortable and/or upset. The roles were created in conjunction with LGBTQ+ people and the LGBT+ Independent Advisory Group (IAG), feedback from which showed it that “the expectations and requirements of LGBT+ community liaison had changed.” LGBT+ Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) will provide support and advice to peers, colleagues and members of…

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Articles Crime grindr Grindr Killer His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services LGBTQ+ News Life London Metropolitan Police News Police Stephen Port

Stephen Port: Failures in Met Police’s murder investigation “could happen again”, inspection finds

The Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) failures to capture serial killer Stephen Port “could happen again” as the force has not learned enough from the case, according to a new report.  From June 2014 to September 2015, Port murdered at least four men – Anthony Walgate, 23, Gabriel Kovari, 22, Daniel Whitworth, 21, and Jack Taylor, 25 – before being arrested on 15 October 2015. Port met his victims online (including gay dating app Grindr) before leading them to his home in Barking, London where they were given lethal doses of…

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Articles Grindr Killer LGBTQ+ News Life Metropolitan Police News Stephen Port

Met Police to be re-investigated over handling of ‘Grindr killer’ Stephen Port

The Metropolitan Police will be reinvestigated by the police watchdog over the handling of serial killer Stephen Port. From June 2014 to September 2015, Port murdered at least four men – Anthony Walgate, 23, Gabriel Kovari, 22, Daniel Whitworth, 21, and Jack Taylor, 25 – before being arrested on 15 October 2015. The following year, he received a life sentence with a whole life order, meaning he will die behind bars. Port met his victims online (including gay dating app Grindr) before leading them to his home in Barking, London where they…

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Articles BBC BBC iPlayer Crime Four Lives grindr Grindr Killer LGBTQ+ News LGBTQ+ TV Life News Police Sheridan Smith Stephen Port Television

Mother of Stephen Port’s first victim praises “brilliant” BBC drama Four Lives

The mother of ‘Grindr killer’ Stephen Port’s first victim has praised the BBC drama depicting his murders and the police handling of them. Four Lives, a three episode television series on BBC One, follows the true story of Port’s murders and the families of the victim’s battle for justice as police failed to find the killer. From June 2014 to September 2015, Port murdered at least four men – Anthony Walgate, 23, Gabriel Kovari, 22, Daniel Whitworth, 21, and Jack Taylor, 25 – before being arrested on 15 October 2015.…

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Articles Crime grindr LGBTQ+ News Life London MET Police News Police Stephen Port

Police failings “probably” contributed to deaths of ‘Grindr killer’ Stephen Port’s victims, inquest finds

An inquest jury has found that failings by the Metropolitan Police “probably” contributed to the deaths of victims of ‘Grindr killer’ Stephen Port. From June 2014 to September 2015, Port murdered at least four men – Anthony Walgate, 23, Gabriel Kovari, 22, Daniel Whitworth, 21, and Jack Taylor, 25 – before being arrested on 15 October 2015. The following year, he received a life sentence with a whole life order, meaning he will die behind bars. Port met his victims online (including gay dating app Grindr) before leading them to…

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