Articles LGBTQ+ Healthcare Life New York City News STIs

Here’s New York City’s plan to wipe out STIs among gay and bisexual men

Guidelines from The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to healthcare providers on the use of doxycycline (doxy-PEP) is being finalised to prevent some bacterial sexually-transmitted infections (STI), like syphilis. The proposal creates a structure for a treatment that works in a similar method to the morning-after pill. However, it will work on STIs. The guidelines concern, “cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women with a recent history of these infections,” states a letter from 9 November by Celia Quinn (MD, MPH Deputy Commissioner…

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Articles highball hilton hilton hotels Holiday New York New York City News NYC Originals tempo tempo by Hilton times square Travel

Feeling Out of Tune? Adjust the Tempo at Hilton’s Newest Hotel

If you’re feeling a little blue, Tempo by Hilton may be exactly the place for you. Tempo by Hilton is set amongst the ever bustling and true centre of New York City Times Square. The hotel entrance is set slightly back from the square with an impressive entryway set under one of Times Square’s newest and brightest billboards. The elevators whisk you up to the lobby which overlooks Times Square high above it all. The lobby is reminiscent of the newer design style hotels, with an easy grab and go…

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America Articles Crime LGBTQ+ News Life New York City News Police Pride United States US USA

Police search for man caught defecating on Pride flag at NYC bar

Police in New York City are searching for a man who was caught defecating on a Pride flag by a bar’s CCTV. Footage shows the culprit placing the flag onto a chair before going to the toilet on it. He proceeds to wipe his backside with a second Pride flag before leaving the scene. The incident, which happened at the Buceo 95 bar around 10am on 15 April, is being investigated as a hate crime. Nathan Nolen Edwards, the venue’s general manager who has worked there for six years, said…

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Articles Culture Fired Judge LGBTQ+ News Life New York City News OnlyFans

New York City judge fired for having an OnlyFans account

A New York City judge has allegedly been fired for having an OnlyFans account. On 21 March, the NYC Financial Department relieved administrative judge Gregory A. Locke from his duties due to “unprofessional behaviour” (per The New York Post). As a city administrative law judge, one of Locke’s responsibilities was handing out parking tickets. According to the aforementioned publication, Locke’s firing stemmed from a complaint by Republican councilwoman Vickie Paladino, who received pushback from the 33-year-old after she posted a tweet opposing Drag Queen Story Hours. “An absolutely shameful display,”…

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America Articles LGBTQ+ News Life New York New York City New York City Pride News NYC Pride Pride United States US USA

“Strength in Solidarity”: NYC Pride announces theme for 2023 celebrations

NYC Pride has announced that “Strength in Solidarity” will be the official theme of its upcoming events and celebrations. Organisers said they are hoping to shine a spotlight on the resilience of the LGBTQ+ community as US lawmakers attempt to reel back rights in a number of states. The theme highlights the cultural significance LGBTQ+ people have in society, as well as being a reminder of the good that can be accomplished when we stand together. “Many individuals within our community are recognised for their unyielding creativity and ingenuity, and…

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America Articles Crime LGBTQ+ News Life New York City News Police United States US

Woman arrested on hate crime charges for setting fire to Pride flag in NYC

A suspect has been arrested after a Pride flag hanging outside the Little Prince restaurant in New York City was set on fire. Angelina Cando has been charged with arson and reckless endangerment – both as hate crimes. The 30-year-old was also charged with criminal mischief for writing ‘Jesus is King’ on the back of two NYPD squad cars. CCTV caught the moment the Pride flag was set alight at 1:35am on 20 February. In the footage, the culprit can be seen stepping out of a white vehicle before using…

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Anti-LGBTQ+ attack Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Articles Gov. Kathy Hochul LGBTQ+ News Life New York New York City News

New York gay bar owner warns of ‘anti-gay resurgence’ after fourth attack

Attacks on gay bars across America continue, with a New York City venue being attacked for the fourth time in a month. A CCTV video posted on Twitter shows a man hurling a brick at VERS in Manhattan, whilst patrons are still inside on Saturday night. The bar’s owner, David DeParolesa, told the New York Post that he had anticipated potential for anti-LGBTQ+ attacks when he opened it, installing shatterproof glass as protection. This meant no one was harmed by the brick, although a window was cracked by the attacker.…

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America Articles Crime LGBTQ+ News Life New York New York City News Police

“Justice for Julio”: 25-year-old found dead in taxi after leaving gay bar with three men

Julio Ramirez was found dead in the back of a taxi after leaving a gay bar in Manhattan, New York City with three unidentified men. Content warning: This story includes topics that could make some readers uncomfortable. Footage from nearby CCTV cameras shows Julio walking away from the Ritz Bar and Lounge at 3:17am on 21 April with the men, NBC News reported. The group then got into a taxi together and, at 4:10am, the driver approached a police officer in the Lower East Side (three miles away from the…

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