Articles EU European Union LGBTQ+ News Life News Openly Uganda

EU lawmakers condemn Uganda’s anti-LGBTQ+ law

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola condemned Uganda’s adoption of an anti-LGBTQ+ law that includes the death penalty for “serial offenders” and “aggravated homosexuality”. Metsola said the law was deeply worrying and undermined human rights in Uganda. “This parliament has repeatedly reaffirmed that people should be allowed to live how they wish to live, be who they wish to be, and love as they wish to love,” she told the opening of the parliamentary assembly on Wednesday. Same-sex relations were already illegal in Uganda, as in more than 30 African countries,…

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Articles EU LGBTQ+ News Life Marriage News Openly Romania Same-sex marriage

Europe rights court tells Romania to recognise same-sex couples

Romania must legalise same-sex civil unions, Europe’s top rights court ruled on Tuesday, in a victory for LGBTQ+ campaigners in the socially conservative southeastern European country. Twenty-one same-sex couples took Romania to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), arguing the lack of legal recognition of their relationships “deprived them of their dignity as spouses”. In a ruling on Tuesday, the ECHR found the country had violated Article 8 of the European Convention, which protects the right to respect for family life, by not giving LGBTQ+ couples any means of…

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Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws Articles EU European Union Hungary LGBTQ+ News Life News Openly

Will EU show of strength against Hungary deter anti-LGBTQ+ laws?

With 15 nations now backing a European Commission lawsuit over Hungary’s anti-LGBTQ+ law, rights campaigners hope the case will serve as a powerful deterrent against similar legislation in other EU countries. The infringement proceedings – joined this month by France and Germany – target a law passed in 2021 banning the use of materials seen as promoting homosexuality and gender change in schools. Touted by the conservative government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as protecting children, the law caused a storm of international criticism, with European Commission President Ursula von…

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Anti-LGBTQ discrimination Articles EU Europe European Commission European Union Hungary LGBTQ+ News Life News

EU begins legal action against Hungary over ‘LGBTQ+ propaganda’ law

Brussels has launched legal action against Hungary over its ‘LGBTQ+ propaganda’ law which bans content that ‘promotes’ LGBTQ+ themes. “The European Commission today decided to refer Hungary to the Court of Justice of the EU over a Hungarian law which discriminates against people on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity,” the European Commission said in a statement on 15 July. “The Commission considers that the law violates the internal market rules, the fundamental rights of individuals (in particular LGBTIQ people) as well as – with regard to…

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Articles Breaking News Culture EU Hungary LGBTQ+ education LGBTQ+ News Life News

EU equality chief warns Hungary could be sanctioned over anti-LGBT+ law

The EU could impose restrictive measures on Hungary following legislation that will allow the banning of LGBTQ+ content in schools. Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality, said Brussels would impose measures against Hungary for their potential ruling. Speaking before Hungary’s legislation was enacted, Dalli said the measure would be similar to those applied to Polish regions which considered themselves “LGBT-free” and LGBTQ+ free zones. “The message is that if you don’t uphold the values of democracy or equality of the European Union, you are not entitled to take money for…

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